
House Cleaning Without Chemicals. Really?


Looking for information to clean your house without chemicals? 

Look no further. 

Because in this article I’m going to share with you some of the best natural, organic, toxic and chemical free products which you can use for the cleaning of your house which works just amazing.

But before that let’s throw some light on why should clean organically and toxic free?

Why Chemical-Free House Cleaning?

There are many great reasons to switch to natural and chemical-free cleaning products.

For some it’s the way to keeping toxins out of the home.

For others it’s saving some money. (You certainly will, keep reading)

You can literally cut down on what you’re sending to the landfill just by cutting back dramatically on plastics and simply using reusable spray bottles and cleaning containers.

You want to use organic cleaning products because someone in your home has asthma or allergies or other kinds of sensitivity.

(Organic cleaners are much better to use around those suffering from sensitiveness).

And worst of all the stuff you may currently be using to clean your house with can make you sick.

According to the researchers, conventional cleaning products and artificial fragrances can trigger asthma, can include low levels of 1,4-dioxane (a carcinogen), and can even include low levels of formaldehyde (another carcinogen) without disclosure. 

These ingredients may also lead to birth defects in pregnant women using the cleaners. 

Although most people don’t have any reactions to the toxins, but still, why take a chance?

It doesn’t matter why you’ve decided to use organic cleaning products, you can be rest assured that you are cleaning with the safest products on the planet and getting the best results at the same time.

The Safety Factor Of Chemical Free Cleaning In The Home

Possibly the most common reason people choose chemical free cleaners is that they’re safer to have around the house than the store-bought ones. 

Unfortunately, well marketed cleaning products are not the norm. You’d think that cleaning products would have to be safe to be sold for home use, but that isn’t always the case. 

I have heard many real life stories of moms who’ve experienced this firsthand.

One of them told when her oldest child was a toddler and grabbed a “safe” cleaning product (sold to be used on highchairs and baby products) and sprayed it in his face and consequently his mouth. 

Then she grabbed the bottle from his hands and washed him off. 

After a quick look of the bottle, she realized that a call to poison control was necessary. 

This incident ended safely with his drinking a cup or two of milk and taking a long bath.

So be very careful with your so called home-safe cleaning products.

Have a look at your cleaning product labels and read the warnings and lists of ingredients. 

You might see warnings like “hazardous to humans and animals” and “causes substantial but temporary eye injury,” and unpronounceable ingredients like “ethanolamine” or “hexoxyethanol.” 

Even the ingredient “fragrance” is of concern because it may cause skin irritation, and may trigger asthma and allergies.

Commercial cleaners are composed primarily of water, chemicals, and fragrance. 

Some of these chemicals can bring allergies and skin sensitivities as well as pose poisoning risks to children and pets that may get their hands and paws on them when you aren’t looking. 

Besides the obvious poison risks, breathing in the dizzy fumes of some cleaners can also be a health risk. 

For example, some cleaners give guidelines to ventilate the rooms while using, but most users probably don’t follow that safety rule. 

Even if you do, is that really a product you want to be using in your home no matter what?

I understand the itch of store-bought products that say they kill 99.99 percent of all germs. 

Killing germs is actually difficult to do, but in a normal household, making sure the surfaces are wiped down daily does get rid of the majority of germs and bacteria.

If you want to kill them altogether, there are natural ways to do that with 99.99 percent accuracy too.

So let’s get to the main part, the natural, organic and toxic free ingredient for a healthier and greener housekeeping.

Ingredients For Chemical Free House Cleaning

Most organic cleaners use the same base ingredients. 

You will find that you’ve already got a lot of these ingredients in your home. 

If not, you can find Borax, Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda, and castile soap from the comfort of your home, all the items can be found easily on www.amazon.com

Store all ingredients in a cool and dry place. 

Just purchase what you need at first, and then decide which cleaners you want to keep on hand based on your particular cleaning needs.

Distilled White Vinegar

Vinegar is the powerhouse in the cleaning category. 

It has germ & bacteria killing properties, cuts grease, and gets rid of stains.

Baking Soda

Baking soda works amazing for absorbing odors and as a mild abrasive cleaner.

Look out for baking soda in your grocery store’s baking aisle, or get it from your favorite warehouse store.

Super Washing Soda

Super Washing Soda is a scentless powder market under the Arm & Hammer brand name. 

It is just sodium carbonate and water, literally an amped up version of baking soda. 

Super Washing Soda is a detergent booster, odor and stain remover, and can be used in many cleaning activities with great results.

If you can’t find it in your supermarket, you can order it on Amazon.com.


Available in just about any supermarket. 

Borax is a naturally occurring mineral, found where the saltwater lakes and seawater have dried up. 

There is some controversy as to its safety though, if inhaled or ingested, so take extra care when using this. 

Keep it out of the reach of children and pets, thoroughly rinse all surfaces you use it on.

Castile Soap – bar and liquid

I absolutely love Dr. Bronner’s castile soaps. They are certified organic and can be found in most of the supermarkets and on Amazon too.

It gets better because they’re available in a wide variety of scents as well as unscented. 

Castile soap is nothing but a vegetable-based soap, making it super gentle, but the combination of vegetable oils like coconut and olive make it extremely effective in cleaning and cutting the grease.

Lemons and Lemon Juice

Some people think that they can clean their whole house with lemons and vinegar. 

I think there are a few other ingredients that should come to the cleaning process, but lemons are definitely a must. 

Lemons and lemon juice have antibacterial properties and are great cleaning agents and you can’t beat their fresh scent. Period.

Learn how to make your own Lemon & Vinegar cleaner here.

Salts – Epsom and Kosher

Epsom salts are not salt, but a compound of magnesium and sulfate. 

It can be used in bath water to ease muscle soreness as well as used to soften water. 

Epsom salts works amazing to form cleaning tablets and have some softening properties in natural dish soap. 

On the other hand, Kosher salt is a great abrasive cleaner. Add a little lemon juice and viola, you’ve an organic antibacterial scrub.

Oils – Almond, Olive, Vitamin E, Mineral, and Coconut

Few popular oils to use in chemical-free cleaning products are almond, olive, vitamin E, mineral, and coconut. 

You don’t need to keep all of these on hand, but it’s nice to have a few. 

You can use most of these oils in wood care and in soaps to help condition the skin.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Sold in the pharmacy section for usually under a dollar per bottle, hydrogen peroxide is an all-natural sanitizer and disinfectant. 

It’s so safe that you can even disinfect toothbrushes with it. 

It is unscented and needs to be kept in a dark container (just keep it in the brown container it is sold in). 

Its scentless and gasless properties make hydrogen peroxide a great disinfectant. 

If you have a cutting board that you just cut up raw chicken on, wash it with soap and water and spray hydrogen peroxide on it 


Alcohol – Rubbing Alcohol and Vodka

Rubbing alcohol (or isopropyl alcohol) can be found in the pharmacy section for under a dollar per bottle. 

It is sold as an antiseptic, and those antiseptic qualities are what give rubbing alcohol its bacteria-killing properties. 

Just work with these and you’re on the right track to healthier and greener cleaning of your house.

Which keeps you, your family, friends, pets, and even our planet Earth healthy. 

On top of that you can save a good amount of money.

So, there you have it.

I hope you loved this article and if you have any questions feel free to  contact me. 

I will try my best to reply you as soon as possible and be as helpful as possible.

And If you want to take your house cleaning abilities to the next level, just read all of my blog posts.

A faster approach? 

Enroll for my Cleaner Clubhouse here.

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